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People love to complain about capitalism, but if we had actual free markets without constant government intervention we would have widespread prosperity that you can't even imagine.
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Jared 🎩
I strongly disagree with this. This assumes we wouldn't have bad actors in the market. Bad actors are the reason we need government intervention.
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You can't eliminate all bad actors, there are plenty of bad actors now they just lobby government to craft regulations that protect them. Bad actors in government protect bad actors in the markets. In a market without a giant government intervening to protect bad actors, market forces would naturally be a check on bad actors, where currently they aren't allowed to be. It's like disrupting a body's immune system. Nobody is claiming a purely free market would be a perfect system, but it would be a better system than what we have now.
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Jared 🎩
I agree that bad actors also have an upper hand currently and believe we need significant reform. I struggle agreeing that a purely free market would end up being better than what we have now. Especially, if we are able to reduce the corporate capture of the regulatory process. There needs to be a balance between reducing barriers while also including basic protections.
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