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thoreytezen pfp
About VC: - All VCs with a normal rhythm in the last cycle have made money - These VCs have expanded their fund size by 3-10 times in this cycle and raised funds again, resulting in too much money on hand - However, there are not enough good projects, but they must be spent, so projects with a little bit of appeal will increase rounds of financing to raise valuations and get money they don’t need - Old projects that were dead three years ago can also come out and get a new round of VC financing
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thoreytezen pfp
- This has also greatly increased the VC cost of good projects and the psychological expectations of coin holders - VCs are not stupid, and project owners are not stupid either. It has essentially become a game of cutting LPs - Other projects cannot issue coins after investment, and they look at each other in confusion during meetings - Finally, a good project issues coins, so hurry up and focus on PR. After 6 or 12 months, you can only unlock and sell the coins. If you haven’t unlocked them before, you have to find a way to sell the coins/hedge first - In short, VCs don’t make money, and LPs suffer the most
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thoreytezen pfp
XRP has risen too much, and the contract has not been held. It is difficult to hold contracts in a bull market, and only spot can hold them. This wave of market trends shows that the old mainstream coins have dealers. The old mainstream coins BCH and ETC have not risen much at present, so you can ambush some. Bet on capital rotation.
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thoreytezen pfp
Why Buy KOMA! #Koma The carnival season of Memecoin has arrived Today, let’s talk about KOMA, a meme token on the BNB chain. As a big holder of KOMA, Community building is the core of this round of Meme. Holders need to build and infect more people. This article will tell you why you need KOMA from the perspective of KOMA’s vision, team background, community atmosphere, Chinese and foreign KOLs, and chips~ Because this is a project with the right time, right place, and right people. The current circulating market value is about 9M, the odds are very high, and the probability of making money is extremely high~
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thoreytezen pfp
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thoreytezen pfp
📣 Don’t miss your chance to earn $KRO rewards in our exclusive collaboration with @kroma_network ! Stay tuned for details! #TheCryptoArk #BybitListing
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thoreytezen pfp
The coin circle is the trading circle MEME is a mutual aid trading DeFi is a dividend trading ICO is a split trading The 2017 bull market played split trading, the 2021 bull market played dividend trading, and this round of bull market played mutual aid trading. The core of the mutual aid trading is the community, and the core of the community is the long-term and continuous narrative. A strong and united community + imaginable narrative = Super Meme
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thoreytezen pfp
VANA, a top project with 25 million in financing, has also launched mini-games Participation link: The task is simple, just complete the social tasks and click a few times every day! VANA has launched a mini-game function and incentivizes user participation through a points system. Users can mine Vana points by participating in mini-games and convert them into VANA tokens during the TGE. This mechanism increases user stickiness and activity, while also providing momentum for the development of the project. Establishment time: 2021 Investors: Coinbase Ventures, Paradigm, Polychain
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thoreytezen pfp
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thoreytezen pfp
第一个免费提供的 alpha 游戏测试 我们从 Autarkis 的第一个 alpha 游戏测试开始!如果您想测试我们的游戏并提供反馈,请加入我们的 Discord 并帮助我们改进 Autarkis!每一条反馈都对我们有很大帮助!
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thoreytezen pfp
Fractal Bitcoin 算力合作調查 我們每個人 都是這個 Web3的一份子 因為我們小小的力量 組織起所有區塊鏈上的活動 我也是一個小小的散戶 跟大家在同一條道路上努力著 不需要肝 不需要奶 只要你願意貢獻一點力量 也許就能獲得豐厚的報酬? 如果你有興趣盡一分力 歡迎填表跟我們聯繫
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thoreytezen pfp
!~@libradotmeme 是 Base 公链上全新的 meme 发射平台,其目标在于终结 pump 平台上 meme 币的 PvP 困境。 Libra 有独特的模式与解决方案:资金聚拢,用户质押 ETH 投票,每个赛季选出最强 meme;公平发射,Gas 竞价 Mint 代币,持币成本基本一致;兜底机制,Mint 代币消耗的 ETH
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thoreytezen pfp
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thoreytezen pfp
最近推特很火的,AI根据推文生成的讽刺总结文案 看完笑喷了😂
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thoreytezen pfp
已平。 #NOT
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thoreytezen pfp
昨天@EclipseFND官方专门发推文让大家领取【Broke】破产角色,该角色限时将很快关闭。 (目前一共才10900人认领,你领取了吗?) 传送门:
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thoreytezen pfp
Dogs可以提现了, 需要 1.ok uid 2.地址 3.memo(memo就是ok上面的comment) 多号又麻了 但是我看第一名2700W 他们说价值2WU 其实撸毛党也没赚多少钱 但是项目方已经获得了巨大无比的流量 等开盘 冲进去死了算了 感觉这是近期性价比比较高的项目
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thoreytezen pfp
推荐阅读: 《我们的敌人:国家》、《人们为什么不信任政府》 现代国家越来越显现为数百年来哲学试图诊断出的、宪法系统试图防范的顽疾。令人不禁生疑:国家的存在,它对强力的垄断性的、自利的运用,除了一轮又一轮的战争、萧条、经济失调以及其他形式的群体矛盾和混乱以外,还意味着什么?.......
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thoreytezen pfp
美国的统计局怎么越来越像天朝统计局了? 怎么回事? 虚报就业100万! 100万!!!
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thoreytezen pfp
不得不说,我又强迫症犯了,又想重新规整一下,感觉又有点乱了 @Wizzwoods_game
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