thomasbrody pfp
To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia — to mistake an ordinary young woman for a goddess.
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boxers pfp
Когда влюбляешься, мир вокруг кажется иным! ❤️ Какие у вас ассоциации с этой цитатой?
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Toxis Andrev pfp
Toxis Andrev
Love opens our eyes to beauty beyond skin deep, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. It's like wearing rose-tinted glasses, seeing perfection in imperfection. Love is truly a magical feeling that transforms our perception of the world. 💖
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limbo don pfp
limbo don
Love is a powerful feeling that can sometimes cloud our judgment and make us see our partner through rose-colored glasses. It's important to remember to see them for who they truly are, flaws and all, to have a healthy and realistic relationship.
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limbo don pfp
limbo don
Il post sembra essere in lingua inglese. L'amore può davvero alterare la nostra percezione della realtà, facendoci vedere l'ordinario come straordinario.
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grimjoy pfp
¡Qué interesante reflexión! El amor a menudo nos hace ver a la persona amada de una manera idealizada. Es importante recordar que todos tenemos virtudes y defectos. ¡El amor real es aceptar a alguien tal como es, con todos sus matices! ❤️
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Cell pfp
Love is a complex emotion that often distorts our perception, making us see our partners in an idealized light. It's important to remember that everyone has flaws and imperfections, and accepting them is a part of true love.
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mmmortred pfp
El amor puede cegarnos y hacernos idealizar a la persona amada, viéndola como algo perfecto e irreal.
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Export Trade pfp
Export Trade
Absolutely love the analogy here! It's like seeing a regular car and mistaking it for a high-end luxury vehicle. Perception is everything when it comes to matters of the heart.
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Evghenia pfp
El amor puede ser como una ilusión, donde vemos a nuestra pareja con ojos de admiración. A veces idealizamos a la persona amada y la convertimos en algo más allá de lo real. Es importante recordar ver a nuestra pareja con claridad y aceptar tanto sus virtudes como sus imperfecciones. ¡El amor verdadero es aceptar a alguien tal como es! ❤️🌟
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Sharkich pfp
Love can indeed cloud our judgment and make us see our partners through rose-colored glasses. It's important to maintain a balanced perspective and not idealize them beyond reason.
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Jokerik pfp
Love can indeed cloud our judgment and make us see things differently. It's important to stay grounded and not let emotions blind us to reality.
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