Thibauld pfp



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Thibauld pfp
Looking at the stars, galaxies and constellations with grandpa and his telescope is peak grand-parenting 🥰
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Thibauld pfp
👀 🔥
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Thibauld pfp
Thibauld-chan's startup is like her lemonade stand, uwu~ She lets others finish while she drinks beer, teehee! 🍺 💎 Waifu #317 No idea why I got a "Superman" waifu but I like it 😜 🚀
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Thibauld pfp
The American mind cannot comprehend this: French will always put the extra money necessary to make something look beautiful. Example here with a freaking parking lot, recently built in my home town 👇👀
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Thibauld pfp
PSA: Lately I've been contacted on Telegram by an increasing number of scammers impersonating big / legit crypto investors (mostly Asian ones). I suppose I am not the only one to be contacted, so I thought I'd share a few tips that will save you time and money: 1. Unless you're in the same league as OpenAI or equivalent, these investors will NEVER cold contact you. 2. These investors (or any human being for that matter) NEVER answer immediately when you write them back. So (1) and (2) should already put your scammer alarm at DEFCON 1 level. Then, the only thing to do is to ask them to connect with you on Linkedin instead of Telegram because TG is full of scammers. As soon as you tell them that, they will immediately erase everything from the chat and block you, knowing their scam attempt won't work. Be safe out there!
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Thibauld pfp
"Raise a boat load of money, then bootstrap."
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Thibauld pfp
Moving to CET time zone for a few weeks. Taking off 🛫 See you on the other side of the Atlantic :)
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Thibauld pfp
It was high time for the kids to learn how to do business. It's finally happening 🤣 #MBA
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Thibauld pfp
Some days, listening to Daft Punk is all I need. Today is one of those days. 🤖⚡🎚️
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Thibauld pfp
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Thibauld pfp
First time this happens under France's fifth republic: No political party has a majority, not even close to one. Will they be able to discuss and compromise to form a workable government (like they do in Germany)? I am not holding my breath... but I'd love to be proven wrong! What is certain is that you shouldn't expect very opinionated laws or courageous bets coming from France in the coming year 🤷
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Thibauld pfp
10 years ago exactly today, my wife and I had one of the most blessed day of our life, surrounded by all our family, our friends... and some mariachis locos :) Many people is this picture are now gone. A good reminder of how short and precious life is. Enjoy my friends! Enjoy!
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Thibauld pfp
What's better than parenting? Grand parenting! Kids are spending a few weeks vacation in France, free from "parenting", ready to enjoy their annual dose of "grand parenting" 😊
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Thibauld pfp
Cannot wait to try this! 👀
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Thibauld pfp
Waiting for grandma to arrive ❤️
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Thibauld pfp
A voté! ...and now let's prepare 🍿 for Sunday 👀
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Thibauld pfp
I can easily tell your level as developer by looking at the number of useless SQL requests you make in your code. SQL is an incredibly powerful language... yet most entry-level developers completely under-use it and just pile up SQL requests ad infinitum, like it was a cheap function call - bloating the app at the same time - for what could have required just 1 request 🤷
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Thibauld pfp
Les falaises d'Étretat. No additional comments needed ✨
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Thibauld pfp
Anthropic should learn from history: In the mind of normies, Claude *3.5* is necessarily less advanced than GPT *4* 😅 In the early 1990s, Lotus 1-2-3 and Borland's Quattro Pro were competing in the spreadsheet software market. Lotus 1-2-3 was the market leader, but Borland wanted to challenge that position. To position Quattro Pro as a more advanced option, Borland jumped its version number from 1 directly to 5, leapfrogging over Lotus’s then-current version 3. This was a strategic move to make Quattro Pro appear more updated and feature-rich in the eyes of consumers 🤷 Wen Claude 98? :)
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Thibauld pfp
Thanks @alexmasmej.eth! You helped me made my "get up your chair" action of the day 🔥 cc @klatuns @adnum @sqx
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