therea pfp



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therea pfp
We tend to perceive aggressively what is unfamiliar or incomprehensible to us. So don't be offended by your old environment if they react negatively to your new activity. This is simply a result of their lack of understanding of what you are doing. Instead of taking it as a personal insult, accept it as a natural reaction to the new and unknown. In time, perhaps they will understand your path, and if they don't, it's just confirmation that you're moving in a different direction where their understanding is no longer as important.
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therea pfp
If you are not losing people, then you are not growing. Growth and change inevitably leads to the fact that not everyone will be able to follow the same path as you. When you expand your horizons, reach new levels, it's natural that some people may not share your goals or keep up with your development. It's important to realize that this doesn't mean a loss of values or connections, it's just a sign that you're moving forward. Ultimately, growth requires us to make hard choices, to leave behind those who are not ready or willing to move forward with us. This is not betrayal, it's evolution, and it's necessary for true success.
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therea pfp
Curiosity is the most important quality of knowing the world. If there is no curiosity in you, it means that you already know everything in this world, you have reached the limit of your incompetence and life is no longer interesting to you.
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therea pfp
Hello everyone 🔥
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therea pfp
Thoughts, feelings and desires. Each person is a complex mixture of thoughts, feelings, attitudes, desires, fears, hopes, doubts and ambitions. These elements are constantly changing, influencing each other in unpredictable ways. Your entire life is the result of their interaction. Your thoughts create images and emotions that shape your mood and provoke actions that lead to certain results. Think success and you will feel more confident and perform better. If you focus on avoiding mistakes, results will deteriorate, regardless of your competence. Images from your imagination or environment trigger ideas and emotions, which then lead to actions and results. Thoughts about a person or situation can instantly make you happy or sad, excited or angry, feel loved or lonely.
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therea pfp
Thoughts are material. Your brain has tremendous power. The way you think affects almost every aspect of your life. Your thoughts can speed up or slow down your heartbeat, improve or worsen your digestion, change your blood chemistry, help you fall asleep or deprive you of sleep. Emotionally, thoughts can quickly change your mood from sadness to joy and vice versa. They can put you in an excited state or make you distracted and depressed. Your thoughts can help you gain popularity or, on the contrary, become an outsider, make you confident or easily vulnerable, a positive or negative person. Thoughts can make you feel weak or omnipotent, become a victim or an aggressor, a hero or a coward. Materially, your thoughts can make you succeed or fail, rich or poor, respected or disrespected by others. Everything you do and become is determined by your thoughts. And, most importantly, you have complete control over your thoughts.
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