Kehinde pfp
Natural Family Planninng (NFP) Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a hormone-free birth control method that involves tracking a woman’s menstrual cycle to identify fertile days. It includes methods like the Calendar (Rhythm) Method, Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method, and Cervical Mucus Method. The Symptothermal Method combines these signs for greater accuracy. During fertile days, couples can abstain from intercourse or use barrier protection to prevent pregnancy. Effectiveness: When followed accurately, NFP can be 95-99% effective. However, typical use, which may include human error, has an effectiveness of around 76-88%. Success depends on regular tracking, cycle predictability, and commitment to abstaining or using protection on fertile days. Benefits and Challenges: NFP is natural, low-cost, and free of side effects. However, it requires daily tracking and may be less effective for women with irregular cycles. It also does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
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