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The Engine


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The Engine
The new episode of The Engine is up! We are talking about Building in DeFi. Our guests are Yoshua Urioste, Head of Bizdev at Silo and Beachball, core contributor at Synonym. TL;DR: Now is really the time to build DeFi - the infrastructure is here, the institutions are here, Bitcoin community is ready to be Ethereum pilled. The regulation will just have to catch up. Let’s go!
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The Engine
Russel and I didn’t talk about any of these events - you got your play-by-play on every other pod and newsletter. We take a bit of a birds-eye view on the relationship of crypto and govt. Check out the show and LMK what you think. Find @TheEngineMedia on YouTube and in every podcatcher.
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The Engine
Big shout out to @standwithcrypto for all the hard work spreading the gospel!
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The Engine
Despite the legislative disappointments - do not underestimate the enormity of progress. The ETH ETFs are still in play. So are the BTC ETFs, for that matter. And so are all the legislative initiatives. Crypto is expanding its reach. And the government is bending to it.
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The Engine
Only to get a cold shower a week later. Biden did veto the repeal of SAB121 after all. Despite a plea from BANKERS! Yeah, bankers are trying to help crypto. Well, they're trying to help themselves, but we'll take it.
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The Engine
And then spot ETH ETFs got approved. And we totally lost it.
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The Engine
It all started when unexpectedly, Congress passed SAB121 repeal - dems are pivoting! CT is pumping but veto is looming. WH says no veto let’s do comprehensive regulation. CT is ecstatic. We’re so back! Another vote passed by the House (FIT21), and another one (anti-CBDC act). What a week!
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The Engine
There was a lot of news on the crypto and government front in the last two weeks. In a typical crypto fashion, we went on a roller coaster of events and emotions. Well, hey, we're crypto. Rollercoaster is what we do.
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The Engine
Russel built digital services in the states of Hawaii and Colorado and now focuses on supporting early builders through Bufficorn Ventures.
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The Engine
Fun fact: Russell almost integrated ETH into the State registration system in Hawaii in 2017. But the state demanded paper checks (!) as the medium of payment. His career spans both public service and entrepreneurship. He’s always had an interest in egovernment and ecommerce, which of course, led him to crypto.
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The Engine
🎙️Russell Castagnaro, a venture steward at Bufficorn Ventures and Chief of Staff at Spork DAO came on the show to talk crypto and government this week. We know you read a 100 threads on the subject in the last two weeks. Still, a thread 👇
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The Engine
"Who f$$ked up for us today?" is back! Today, it's Yuga. We appreciate the opportunity to learn from others' mistakes. It's easy to say something is stupid and obvious when someone else is bleeding in the ring. But we've all been there. Everyone is mad, but we thank Yuga.
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The Engine
Do you find yourself in a city that feels stuck in the past? You might be standing in the perfect starting line for a startup ecosystem! Watch the show on our YouTube channel or listen in your favorite podcatcher. Website: YouTube:
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The Engine
Chris defines a startup ecosystem even broader - “any kind of pushback against perceived austerity or kind of staleness in one's perception of the built environment.”
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The Engine
Nick has been involved in the transformation of dozens of cities: "I personally believe a startup city can be quite simply a city that's been in an industrial revolution malaise that finally decides they want to put both feet on the ground again and get out of bed and quit doomscrolling about their past."
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The Engine
Chris Pennino brings a unique perspective as an architectural scholar focusing on Special Economic Zones and their impact on our living spaces. He's currently shaping the future of Vid Sertsya Budova, a new startup city near Kyiv. He's also the Chief of Research and Development at @buildcities.
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The Engine
Nick is the author of BETTER - How to Build Creative Communities that Transform The World.
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The Engine
Nick Smoot, an entrepreneur and ecosystem builder, has been championing the community-first, real estate-second approach for over a decade. His work has garnered recognition from major institutions like Google, Milken Institute, and others.
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The Engine
But how realistic is this shift? Can you really turn any location into a thriving place for startups? That's what we explore in this episode with our guests, Nick Smoot and Chris Pennino.
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The Engine
Since the pandemic, the rise of remote work has really shifted the paradigm. You may be running your next big startup from a remote ski resort or a sunny Caribbean island, transforming your sleepy village into a bustling startup hub.
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