Krish Chelikavada pfp
Krish Chelikavada
Hello FC!! Excited to introduce ⚡0xPass ⚡ Inspired by account abstraction (EIP-4337), 0xPass lets devs bring "web2-like", frictionless user experiences to their dApps in a wallet agnostic manner. ⭐ Sign up for early access - ⭐
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Krish Chelikavada pfp
Krish Chelikavada
In a few lines of code, 0xPass will let devs - - Build a secure and beautiful login flow - Onboard users without wallets - Provide gasless experiences - Pre-approve transactions through "session keys" - Bundle transactions ... and more
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Krish Chelikavada pfp
Krish Chelikavada
Quite a few signups from FC! Will reach out to everyone 😄 Appreciate the interest!!
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Sinaxyz pfp
Looks amazing! 👏
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musnit pfp
Broken on mobile? 😭
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dylan pfp
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Launchcaster pfp
Congrats on the launch! You're live on Launchcaster, the place to launch and discover new Web3 projects. Connect your wallet to claim and edit your launch page:
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