Colin pfp
FC client idea: Caviarcaster Anyone can post pic of a meal they’ve cooked, along with a link (or screenshot essay?) of the recipe, and a review. Client aggregates it, allows filtering & sorting by ingredient/rating/dietary restriction/popularity etc
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
I like this! I thought the same thing with a few, "yes, and" - Minimal UI for gallery of photos (like Glass maybe?) - Tapping each photo to show the recipe - Bonus points: collect recipe as an NFT (in a collection) to support folks who share their creations I own; will transfer to anyone building it.
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
For clarity, I bought the domain because I wanted to build a little bot that when you @ it posts your cooked meal. Seems like I won’t have the time to do that, so standing offer on domain - will transfer at no cost. I hate domain squatting.
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