Alex Palmer pfp

Alex Palmer


983 Following

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
@kiwi is hands down one of my favourite products. Happy belated. ❤️
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4 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Norms update. Thank you for playing.
4 replies
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12 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
@betashop.eth and @airstack team make claiming $degen fun - this is really well done.
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6 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Three clicks to get to the article. Which I don't want to read anymore because of this atrocious UI.
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17 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Deep. Integrations.
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
2 replies
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5 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Raise your hand for making infra cool again.
5 replies
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24 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Reg D, 506(c) Crypto is the first draft of tradfi.
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Should probably subscribe is all I’m saying
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
GM we're hiring engineers (full stack & smart contract). You'll work with @eyqs and I on @plumenetwork - an L2 optimized for /rwa. Globally compliant for inst. asset issuers, while still being an open chain. No meetings, high autonomy, benefits, awesome experienced team. Say hi!
4 replies
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14 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Markets determine terminology, not individuals. RWA means more things to more people than it used to. (No longer risk weight adjustment; heartfelt thank you to all who acknowledged the former term, your service has never been in vain).
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
“Trust that you are well” 🫠
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7 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
All my friends are builders that is all.
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14 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Yes. It’s built the f out and continues to teach me new things. I like that.
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6 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Tokenisation platforms should be free. Some of them will be. 👀
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18 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
1 reply
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12 reactions

Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
lol the barrier to entry in vc is too low these days (i will die on this hill)
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Hello I am here now thanks for letting me test @pfista @jj 👀
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
lol this is awesome thanks @zachharris.eth! 🦄 May I Have This Dance 🎩
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Oooookay turning off @alertcaster notifications for RWA keyword because now it's just mostly a firehose of people posting inane bullshit. @andyjagoe I got 296 emails within a few days I think, and still remember when 1 email a week was exciting lol
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12 reactions