Giuliano Giacaglia
Experience well-being and household income seem to follow a logarithmic curve. This is unexpected to me!
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Common myth - the log increase signifies diminishing bounded returns, some fairly-low good enough point. Reality - this data indicates UNBOUNDED happiness returns vs increasing wealth, all else equal. So what does the log part signify then? = Simply that returns percentage-relative, not absolute-value-relative.
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Same idea with the mind blowing scaling law curves seen with large language model AI. Why mind blowing? Those curves strongly imply unbounded intelligence potential. Not human-level-bounded maximum intelligence bounds, as people instinctively assume. Incredible.
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^^ Funny, just noticed that original Neural Scaling Laws paper makes this same bad-intuition mistake! "though performance must flatten out before reaching zero loss" Well, here, "reaching zero loss" = "reaching infinite skill". So no, no math reason why curve must ever flatten out, bc infinity can't ever be reached!
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