Fractal journaling and random revisit I use Obsidian’s unique note hotkey to write individual thoughts as they come up throughout the day. This automatically creates a note with the prefix YYYY-MM-DD HHmm to which I may append a title that describes the idea. Every few days I review these journal fragments and compile the salient thoughts. I then review these reviews monthly and yearly. Each time I pull out the most useful things, and draw connections where relevant. Yearly this takes the form of "40 questions to ask yourself every year". The result is a fractal web of my life that I can zoom in and out of at varying degrees of detail. I can trace back where individual thoughts came from, and how they bubbled up into bigger themes. 1/2
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Terry Bain
Lazycast: Is there an obsidian plug-in to send notes directly to farcaster? Or: an obsidian plug-in that allows me to sync my farcaster posts to obsidian? Asking for a friend (me).
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