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Learn about an interesting animal every day|White Fleece Goat in Inner Mongolia 🍊Introduction:Inhabiting the desert and semi-desert grassland area at an altitude of 1300-1500 metres. Food is mainly coarse fodder, such as crop stalks. Breeding rate is low, mostly producing single lambs, with fast lamb development and high survival rate. 🍊 Breed characteristics: Inner Mongolia white cashmere goat is a velvet meat dual-use varieties, its main features are fine cashmere, long fibre, gloss, strength, high whiteness, fleece feel soft; comprehensive quality is excellent, in the international leading position.
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Know about an interesting animal every day|Coloured Warbler Latin name: Leptopoecile sophiae Classification: Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Class Ornithischia, Subclass Imperata, Order Tweedledee, Family Warbler, Genus Tweedledum, Species Coloured Tweedledum, Subspecies 4 subspecies 🍊Appearance: The coloured sparrow warbler is a small, fluffy, purplish sparrow warbler. The crown is brown with a white browline. It is distinguished from the crested sparrow warbler by its white browline, lack of plumage, brown crown, and white margins on the outer tail feathers.
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Get to know a treasured animal every day 👀 Mountain Blue Robin 🍎Scientific Name: Sialia currucoides 🍎Synopsis: A bird of the genus blue robin in the family Thrushidae of the order Passeriformes. Males are blue all over, females blue-green. It mainly feeds on insects, maggots, ants and other small invertebrates, as well as plant fruits. It is the state bird of Idaho and Nevada in the United States. It is mainly found in west-central North America, where it lives in mountains and forests, inhabiting tree cavities or stumps in species such as paintbrush, pine, and birch.
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Get to know an animal a day 👀 Northern Long-tailed Tits (Scientific name: Aegithalos caudatus) The Northern Long-tailed Tit is clad in white and black feathers, with a white breast, black stripes on the back and wings, and a long tail, which is their most distinctive feature. The northern long-tailed tit is found in northern Europe and northern Asia. In China, it is common in the north-east of the country and northern Xinjiang, with some individuals wintering in northern Hebei and Beijing.
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An animal for every day|Coloured Sparrow Warbler 🌿Coloured sparrow warblers are mainly found in the dense forests of the Asian mountains, from the lofty mountains of China to the vast forests of Russia, where they can be seen. 🌿 They are like masterpieces on nature's palette, with feathers as variegated as rainbows, blending yellow, green, blue and other colours, as if each feather holds the secrets of the mountains and forests. Their petite bodies and soulful eyes reveal a distinctive aura.
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Animal of the Day|African Pheasant ‘Strange big bird Latin name: Actophilornis africanus fire 🍊Alias: African Pheasant Plover, Long-footed Pheasant Plover 🍊Appearance:The African Pheasant Plover is large, 30cm in length, both sexes are the same colour, the female is larger than the male, has a blue frontal armour, black brow and nape of neck, chestnut coloured back and wings, white belly, black wingtips, and like the other Pheasant Plovers has very long legs and huge toes, making it a relatively easy water bird to identify.
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Animal of the Day|Weasel 🐻‍❄️ Elegant dancers in the snow, the embodiment of purity and resourcefulness ☘️ live mainly in the cold northern hemisphere region, where they leave their graceful footprints from the forests of Europe to the grasslands of Asia to the tundra of North America.
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Squirrels are one of the common mammals found in Northern Ireland
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Learn an interesting animal every day|Crested Canary Crested Canary ‘A bird in the forefront of fashion 🍊Origin of the species: The Crested Canary, also known as the Gloucester Canary, is a type of canary. It was bred in captivity around the 1920s.
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An amazing animal for science every day|White Squirrel 🐿️ 🐿 White squirrels, these elegant little elves, are mainly found in forests and parks in North America. Clad in clean white fur, they contrast sharply with their green surroundings, as if they were a touch of pure colour in the forest. 🌿 In terms of eating habits, white squirrels are typical omnivores. They like to eat a variety of nuts, seeds and fruits, and will also ingest some insects and small invertebrates for protein.
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Animal of the day|Hamster Owl The Mysterious Night Walker 🌙 Have you ever heard a mellifluous hooting sound at night, that's none other than our protagonist today - the barn owl! 🦉 The barn owl is a medium-sized bird with a rounded body and a pair of large, beady eyes. Their predominantly tan plumage with black markings makes them perfect for hiding in the woods.
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Meet an amazing animal every day 👀 Short-tailed Dwarf Kangaroo (Scientific name: Setonix brachyurus) It is a mammal in the marsupial family of kangaroos. The body is short and fat, with well-developed hind legs, rounded ears, and a short and wide head. The whole body with brown coarse hair, around the face and neck slightly red. The average lifespan is 10 years.
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Meet an amazing animal every day 👀 Ili Sage Grouse (Scientific name: Ochotona iliensis) Ochotona iliensis is a mammal of the family Ochotona, genus Ochotona. It weighs about 240 grams and has a body length of 160-200 millimetres. The incisal and palatal foramina of the skull are one foramen; the ears are long, and the hind feet are oblong; the zygomatic bone is wide, which is one of its distinctive features. The whole body is covered with long hair, the hair colour is more bright, forehead, top has obvious rusty brown spots, the back of the neck has a light-coloured spot, the whiskers are very long, more than 8 cm; the back of the body hair is brownish-yellow or brownish-brown in summer, greyish-white in winter, the base of the hair is greyish-black, and the downy hairs are more. It is named for its rat-like morphology and body shape, and its taxonomic status as a rabbit.
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Meet an amazing animal every day 👀 Straw Mud Horse (Scientific name: Vicugna pacos) Vicugna pacos is a mammal of the camel family Camelidae. The horse, which is known by many names, is actually an alpaca. In Peru, foreigners traveling along the way, eating places, shopping places, there are jumping alpacas, let people take pictures; stores alpaca fleece, alpaca wool made of quilts, sweaters, scarves, gloves, socks, and so on to the people out of their pockets.
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Learn about an animal every day 👀 Raccoons (Scientific name: Procyon lotor) Procyon lotor is a mammal of the carnivorous order Raccoonidae, genus raccoon, raccoons are usually obese, short head, broad face, cheeks are rounded, there is a crescent-shaped white spot, white lips as if wearing a mask. Body hair shiny, brown-red back, chest, abdomen and limbs black-brown, fluffy long tail surrounded by nine rings of yellow and white, so the local people also called them "nine parts of the wolf".
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Arctic hare Also known as: Mountain Hare, Blue Hare Class: Mammalia, Oryctolagus, Oryctolagidae, Oryctolagus spp. Morphological characteristics: It is larger than the domestic rabbit and has an obese body; its ears are smaller than those of the domestic rabbit and some of them do not have tails; in spring, summer and autumn the fur of the arctic hare is greyish brown; in winter the fur becomes white; its paws are large and there is a long hair under the paws. Habitat: Inhabits the cold northern regions of North America, and in summer is often found at the edge of bushes or on rocky outcrops.
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An animal a day 👀 Roan antelope (Scientific name: Saiga tatarica) The Saiga tatarica is a mammal in the family Bovidae of the order Artiodactyla, also known as the Saiga antelope, Saiga gazelle and oryx. Only males have horns, which extend obliquely to the upper back and are pale amber and slightly transparent, with obvious annular ribs; the upper part of the horns to the tips are smooth without ridges, and the horns are hard. Body hair is dense, brownish-yellow on the back, white on the belly and inner limbs, and greyish-white on the winter coat.
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An interesting animal every day|Irawaddy dolphin "A dolphin with a big brain Scientific name: Orcaella brevirostris It is a marine mammal of the family Dolphinidae, genus Shortnose dolphin. Body length 2.1-2.5 metres. The head is rounded and blunt, with a rounded bulge from the blowhole forward. Widespread in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Indo-Pacific.
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Meet an amazing animal every day 👀 Australian Pelican (Scientific name: Pelecanus conspicillatus) It is a large wading bird, weighing up to 13 kilos. It lives along the coast and in rivers and lakes. It has a strong and light flight, often flying in groups, and is a very good swimmer, but not a diver. Swims with its mouth open, catching fish in its throat. Sometimes in groups, in a long line, beating the water with powerful wings, making a loud noise, scaring the fish to swim close to the shore and then prey on them.
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Spot an amazing animal every day 👀 Mandrill (xiāo) (scientific name: Mandrillus sphinx) Mandrillus sphinx) is a mammal of the genus Mandrill in the family Primates. It is the largest monkey in the world, with a length of more than 80 centimetres, a height of more than 1 metre when standing, and a brightly coloured face. The mandrill has a very high IQ and is one of the most intelligent monkeys. The mandrill's head is large and long, resembling a ghost, hence its name.
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