Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Have you ever wondered what the differences are between Lens Protocol and Farcaster? Well, I had the same doubt, so I wrote a blog post about the differences, similarities, and which one is better. The blog post is here: https://paragraph.xyz/@teleyinex.eth/farcaster-vs-lens-protocol
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onchain commerce guy 🛍️ pfp
onchain commerce guy 🛍️
Just added to todays reading list. Do you plan on doing any other social media comparisons? Damus and farcaster would be great
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kugusha ↑ pfp
kugusha ↑
Requesting paragraph vs mirror next
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Baikan pfp
Nice read!
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Pelago [🔵,🎩,⛓️] pfp
Pelago [🔵,🎩,⛓️]
Thanks for the comprehensive comparison. I also use Lens and agree that the conversations on Farcaster are deeper and more involved.
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adrienne pfp
very well written and super helpful content. Thanks for writing and sharing Daniel 👏
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Uncle Davo pfp
Uncle Davo
Tagging @unjumble so this appears in the daily digest. Great read!
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