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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
We've launched, a web3 project where philanthropy meets decentralization. We are looking for feedback. We have also created a channel to share our thoughts about the project. Check /respair channel
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
I think this project could be interesting to all these people because I respect you and that if you like the project, your feedback would be precious to us. Pinging without an specific order: @pichi @pugson @farcasteradmin.eth @samantha @adrienne @nounishprof @kbc @statuette @christin @kepano @cameron @shazow.eth
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codeofcrypto pfp
I’d love to chat further. I’ve been thinking about a framework for decentralized food distribution and what non-profit DAOs could look like generally.
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shazow pfp
Hm read it twice and I'm still confused about what it actually does? Or is it more of a manifesto?
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christin (see u @ farcon) pfp
christin (see u @ farcon)
@samantha told me about this new project (and thanks for the @ mention as well!) Here's 5424 $DEGEN towards the cause
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adrienne pfp
Are you familiar with tidelift? Re: supporting OSS
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