Greg pfp
Help @limes.eth and I settle a debate: If just shown a picture of their face, who is more recognizable worldwide - Taylor Swift or Kim Kardashian? And follow up: who is the most recognizable person alive today?
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Kim Kardashian on Instagram 362 Million of users Taylor Swift 267 Millón users on Instagram. Kim wins by almost 100 million more of followers.
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Sally pfp
But not everyone on Insta. Taylor does world tours whereas Kim does not.
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
That's true. It should be "easy" to measure how many people go to her shows. Kim on the other hand has Skims and sells a lot. So how many people buy vs go to concerts would be interesting to compare.
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
According to this Taylor will have 38 concerts in this tour. Let's say she gets in every concert 125k people. That's almost 5 million people in her tour. If we double it, that would be 10M.
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Sally pfp
I was thinking also the media attention a show brings (esp with her ticketing chaos) but that is prob more name recognition vs face. The Kanye connection must have also made Kim’s face more well known I guess. Would be very surprised if Skims has a large Asian or African market.
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