Tk✨🎩 pfp



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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Day 19 /300 reasons why I have a goal, I have a purpose and I will fulfill them I won't give up I won't back down I'll keep pushing no mater what
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
GN/GM /300
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0xc7a2cd589Bb82C4780F16B5a5Db454e686B99397 let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Day 18 /300 reasons why Honestly today has been a crazy ass day and I'm so exhausted, I can barely keep my eyes open, haven't slept in hours Was about to but then my conviction in doing this, it has become part of my day Honestly the /300 reasons why is so brilliant, it has helped me so much the last few days to assure myself that I have a walk that I'm not backing out from Thank you @injustcuz for this beautiful initiative To the /300 community let the /300 reasons why be your daily reminder that you can and will achieve what you plan on doing GN /300
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
@icetoad.eth december because it's my birth month
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Jamaica Beach, Texas テキサス州ジャマイカビーチ
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Join in /300 fam if you're not in there yet Gotta go to bed Great vibes as usual, happy we're doing the X spaces now 3🐾
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Oh fr?
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Day 17 /300 reasons why Just got off the phone with my mum and she says how proud she is of me and also being a great elder one to my younger siblings Of all my reasons why, the most important one will always be for my Mum, for my siblings, for my Family❤️
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
3 days 3♾️ to go Anyone else on 3 days or more? Tap in
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Just got off Interesting conversations about the walk and the plans for the /300 community with @injustcuz @baeshy and a few others Tap in if you were on there 3♾️
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Growing up I've always been perceived as someone that's social and has a lot of friends but in reality I don't have over 10 friends and I see a lot of people as acquaintances. We don't need too many friends in life to be honest
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
⛓️⛓️GTA Onchain ⛓️⛓️ Are you ready to walk the walk?
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Fun Night with @injustcuz
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
get ready for the walk @injustcuz
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
We need a name for the collective walk! Are you ready to walk the walk? @injustcuz /300 to trinfinity!!!!
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Enjoy the walk! it's going to be a fun walk! @injustcuz
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
Are you ready to walk the walk?
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
@injustcuz a real lover🤣 3♾️
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Tk✨🎩 pfp
I will walk the walk! @injustcuz Will you? Do you have what it takes?
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