hollands.eth pfp



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hollands.eth pfp
Is anyone working on AI governance automation / liquid democracy for DAOs? Curious about ideas in the space and would love to jam
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hollands.eth pfp
Any great newsletters/content for crypto builders out there? I’m talking deep dives into how products succeeded and why, not which new shitcoin to buy. Think “lennys newsletter for crypto”
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hollands.eth pfp
prédiction markets have a shot at being the next big thing to onboard millions more people to crypto. You can bet on literally anything: “Will Taylor swift get married by 2024?” “Will Kanye get unbanned from twitter” the intersection of creators x prediction markets is ripe for creation.
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hollands.eth pfp
Are channels on Farcaster tokengated? Eg is there an alliance accelerator channel only accessible by NFT? Seems like a big opp if not Cc @dwr.eth
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hollands.eth pfp
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hollands.eth pfp
There’s never been a better time to get into crypto Bullish af
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hollands.eth pfp
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hollands.eth pfp
Anyone got an interpretation/take on this thread? https://twitter.com/geoffreyirving/status/1726754270224023971
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hollands.eth pfp
We need reputation to be easily accessible and follow us around the web. Not just follower number but follower quality, and other kinds of reputation too. Anyone working on this?
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hollands.eth pfp
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hollands.eth pfp
Is e/acc the real effective altruism (in that it actually works) ?
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hollands.eth pfp
Would you want AGI to be operated by a board who Dogs the Boys? I wouldn’t
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hollands.eth pfp
Think I’m gonna try Farcastermaxxing for a while Much cozier and more fun network than X
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hollands.eth pfp
Serious q: i wonder what the openAI board honestly thought Sam and Greg would do when they learned they’d been fired/demoted?
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hollands.eth pfp
Anyone experimented with carnivore diet? Hearing some remarkable anecdata
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hollands.eth pfp
Love farcaster’s feature of notifying you when a mutual is in your city. Great way to build community 🫡
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hollands.eth pfp
Spotify should have a "songs you've recently replayed" tab. Spotify is now great at surfacing unknown bangers but unless I insta-fave them they're lost forever, bc I can't remember the names.
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hollands.eth pfp
If a task requires 20% of effort to get to 80% quality of output, then you can complete 5 tasks at 8/10 quality for every task you complete at 10/10 quality.
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hollands.eth pfp
Dreamt I ate an eagle steak. Tasted like heaven. Now I want one, even tho it would likely put me on some RSPCA hit list. Anyone ever had eagle before?
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hollands.eth pfp
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