🎥🌳 pfp



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🎥🌳 pfp
Grow A Tree On The Timeline A 2ish year thread on how to grow a story into a studio into a tv show and a film.
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🎥🌳 pfp
The dream isn't dead, just hard to bring to life. feels impossible somedays for now figuring out ways to make money to keep working on this... will be on here less, but as always talk to me about anything filmmaking related anytime (I'll even help you figure out preproduction and disytrubtioin stuff)
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🎥🌳 pfp
bro leave some existential crisis for the rest of us
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🎥🌳 pfp
The irony of this critique is he goes on and on about not stretching out a story…
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Seeking a woman to record some very simple vocals for a song. No singing required. Just 6 words with a simple rhythm that you can record into your phone or laptop mic. $50 USDC @bountycaster
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🎥🌳 pfp
/filmatree - the filmmaking process (development, preproduction, production, postproduction & distribution) remapped for the Internet as a series of games, open to all, right on your Warpcast timeline.
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🎥🌳 pfp
I’ve come to a similar conclusion: Suffering and pain are only natural experiences in life. After tragedy or trauma we still have energy left. Either it can be used for destruction or creation. Natural forces of destruction in the Universe are far more powerful than any of humanity. So we must choose creation of beauty. Poetic that the detail of beauty we can create is far greater than anything the Universe can create. It is, what makes us special as a species. We must create. I must create.
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🎥🌳 pfp
how to build 101 right here with Kenny's journey the vision and unrelenting effort is inspirational
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🎥🌳 pfp
Yes more filmmaking, filmmakers and story creation!
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🎥🌳 pfp
The master, Hayao Miyazaki. Funny enough listening to this soundtrack with my sick daughter right now He’s a huge inspiration for the story I’m working on, so I can breathe life into the first Filmatree. https://music.apple.com/us/album/my-neighbor-totoro-original-soundtrack/882410520
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🎥🌳 pfp
My wife and I both caught throw up tonight. What baseball teams are lacking on defense?
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🎥🌳 pfp
This damn Zirp just ruining all the fun
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Alexander C. Kaufman pfp
Alexander C. Kaufman
I have a new scoop on rare earths coming out in the newsletter tomorrow. Subscribe to kaufman.substack.com if you want this exclusive in your inbox first thing tomorrow morning.
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🎥🌳 pfp
This is great advice for anything you find: -trash -garbage -shit instead balance out the Internet by sharing crazy art or even creating something crazy yourself
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🎥🌳 pfp
I wish there was a large creator fund - something that funded positive sum creative projects / art
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🎥🌳 pfp
As it should be, so you can translate that initmacy for me - the outsider. I think of the hook as a few sentences said that are likely to catch a stranger's attention. No right answer, it has to come from that personal intimacy Honestly it sounds like you have all the personal connection and passion for honoring the story. You'll find it in the sea, you just need to sail across it a couple of times, toiling in the creative process. Excited to see the story you'll tell, you clearly have the talent!
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🎥🌳 pfp
Yum - currently drinking some strong Vietnamese green tea, which is full in body and caffeine
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🎥🌳 pfp
Sounds really intriguing. It also sounds like you have a good vision; story balanced with moments to enjoy the raw sounds and the visuals. I'd imagine the other scenes you captured (like this one) speak volumes, along with the sounds. In my experience, the hardest part of something like this is crafting a narrative with the interview audio, so we'd start there for something with a hook to grab the viewer - something bold. From there, we'd try to find a rhythm to tease out the rest of the story with the balance of moments that stand on their own
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🎥🌳 pfp
okay so character focused doc, with self-narration as a guide via your recorded conversations with him?
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🎥🌳 pfp
Damn I forgot about this channel. How does that drink?
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