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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Looking for suggestions for future Farcaster AMAs! Bonus points for including a thoughtful pitch as to why and a link to their Twitter account (if they have one). If you don't have a suggestion, you can still be helpful by liking the suggestions that are most interesting to you.
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
James Currier - great thoughts on n-sided marketplaces which feels like WC fits perfectly Matt Ball - thoughts on interacitve media that apply to what im building, but also what @br1an.eth & @chriscocreated are doing
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ChrisCoCreated β†‘πŸŽ© pfp
ChrisCoCreated β†‘πŸŽ©
Think you might have linked to the wrong Matthew Ball. This one has 33 posts mainly of his new glasses and Jesus 🀷
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