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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
I now understand at least one benefit of Foundry. Because all of your tests and scripts are in Solidity, it actually helps you learn a lot more of the details of the language and how the EVM works.
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
downside: there are a lot of transactions I need to convert to Typescript ultimately, and this requires me doing some work twice.
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hellno the optimist pfp
hellno the optimist
💯 less context switching between languages gives me so much more focus. feels like my brain moves closer to the EVM
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maurelian  pfp
You might like this: It’s meant to facilitate the kind of experimentation you describe.
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memes du monde 🎩 pfp
memes du monde 🎩
but also... the tests are soooo fast :D Having a fast implementation -> validation cycle is something I missed the whole time I was using a typescript testing harness.
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