Tashebarq pfp



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Tashebarq pfp
Family in mask /masks 🎭
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Tashebarq pfp
Effects of Emotional and Psychological Abuse Mental Health Issues: Victims often suffer from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Loss of Self-Worth: Continuous belittlement and criticism erode the victim’s confidence and self-worth. Social Isolation: Victims may become increasingly isolated, losing their support network and feeling alone. Chronic Stress: Constant emotional abuse can lead to chronic stress, affecting physical health and well-being. Barriers to Recognition and Leaving Invisible Nature: Emotional abuse is often not recognized as readily as physical abuse, making it harder for victims to seek help. Self-Doubt: Victims may believe the abuser’s manipulations, thinking they deserve the abuse or are responsible for it. Emotional Attachment: Strong emotional bonds and hope for change can keep victims in abusive relationships. Lack of Support: Limited awareness and support services for emotional abuse can hinder escape and recovery. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
I’ve joined the waitlist for the OneFootball Club ⚽️ 🤝 Come and join the community. Powered by @deform https://onefootballclub.deform.cc/get-started
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Tashebarq pfp
Emotional and psychological abuse0 is a pervasive form of domestic violence that undermines a woman's mental well-being and sense of self. Unlike physical abuse, its effects are often invisible but equally damaging. Here are the key aspects: Forms of Emotional and Psychological Abuse 1. Verbal Assaults: Includes constant criticism, name-calling, yelling, and humiliating the victim. 2. Manipulation: Abusers may use guilt, blame, or denial to control their victims, making them doubt their own perceptions and feelings. 3. Isolation: The abuser may isolate the victim from friends, family, and other support systems to increase dependency. 4. Intimidation: Using threats, destruction of property, or displays of power to instill fear. 5. Gaslighting: A form of manipulation where the abuser makes the victim question their reality, memories, and sanity. 6. Emotional Withholding: Deliberately ignoring, giving the silent treatment, or withholding affection to punish or control the victim. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
What do you think guys? /masks 🎭
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Tashebarq pfp
/masks 🎭
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Tashebarq pfp
Effects of Physical Abuse Physical Injuries: Bruises, cuts, broken bones, internal injuries, and long-term physical impairments are common. Chronic Health Issues: Long-term physical abuse can lead to chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders, and other ongoing health problems. Psychological Trauma: Victims may suffer from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health issues. Fear and Anxiety: Constant fear of the abuser and potential future violence can dominate the victim’s life. Isolation: Abusers often isolate victims from friends and family, making it harder for them to seek help. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
Forms of Physical Abuse 1. Hitting, Slapping, Punching: These are the most common forms of physical abuse, where the abuser strikes the victim with their hands or fists. 2. Kicking and Stomping: Using feet to inflict pain or injury. 3. Choking and Strangling: Applying pressure to the victim’s neck, which can lead to unconsciousness or death. 4. Pushing and Shoving: Using force to move the victim against their will, often resulting in falls and injuries. 5. Biting and Scratching: Using teeth or nails to cause harm. 6. Hair Pulling: Yanking the victim’s hair, which can cause pain and injury. 7. Burning: Using fire, hot objects, or substances to burn the victim. 8. Using Weapons: Employing objects such as knives, guns, or other items to inflict harm or threaten the victim. 9. Restraining: Physically holding the victim down or tying them up to control their movements. 10. Forced Physical Activities: Forcing the victim to perform physically painful or harmful actions.
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Tashebarq pfp
What's your plan for summer? ⚡️
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Tashebarq pfp
3D plaster /masks Try to learn and make it 🎭
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Tashebarq pfp
Physical abuse is a form of domestic violence involving the use of physical force to injure or endanger another person. Common forms include hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, choking, and using weapons. This type of abuse often follows a cyclical pattern of tension, acute violence, and reconciliation, trapping victims in a loop of violence. The effects of physical abuse are severe, leading to physical injuries like bruises, broken bones, and chronic health issues. It also causes significant psychological trauma, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD, alongside fear and social isolation. Victims face numerous barriers to leaving abusive relationships, such as fear of escalation, economic dependence, emotional attachment, lack of support, and cultural pressures. Legal measures like restraining orders, shelters, counseling, and support groups are crucial in helping victims escape and recover from abuse. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
Real builders commit, and I just committed 2.77M $BUILD tokens to the BUILD Summer Fund. 🫡
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Tashebarq pfp
Check your Farcaster Power and /build in public in a new /powerfeed game!👷‍♀️👷
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Tashebarq pfp
Papier-mâché is an art form that uses paper and glue to create three-dimensional objects and sculptures. Due to its simplicity and low cost, it is very popular for making art, decorations, and educational projects. The result is lightweight, sturdy, and easy to decorate. You could use this technique to create your own /masks , expressing your true self through art.🎭
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Tashebarq pfp
Unhappy woman in tight ropes suffer from mental or psychological problems. Upset stressed girl struggle with overthinking or anxiety limit life. /farcasther
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Tashebarq pfp
Dark art Mask art 🎭 /masks
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Tashebarq pfp
Removing our masks allows us to live authentically, embracing our true selves. When we accept others as they are, we foster genuine connections and empathy. Let’s value vulnerability, promote acceptance, and celebrate human diversity for a more compassionate and understanding society. 🎭 /masks
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Tashebarq pfp
Keep calm 🎭 /masks
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Tashebarq pfp
To combat self-identity shame in women,practice self-acceptance & redefine personal goals.Challenge unrealistic societal standards,seek supportive relationships & engage in self-discovery activities. Professional counseling can also help in understanding and embracing one’s true self, fostering a positive self-image.
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Tashebarq pfp
I have seen many women around me who are a perfect example of this image. /farcasther /masks 🎭
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