Drake 🎩 pfp

Drake 🎩


565 Following

Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
!attack south
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
uwu~ tali-chan's garden is like her crypto portfolio... full of weird hybrids that probably won't moon >.< Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast! Lmao the algo thinks I'm a lady... @eggman.eth how do I fix?
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
/co airdrop
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Everything is fine
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Appreciation 7/10 I appreciate: 1) old friends reaching out. Something none of do enough, just checking in on friends we haven't talked to in years. 2) random calls from family. Generally annoying, but today it was a pleasant surprise. 3) a new recipe being a success. Roasted veggies with encrusted tofu. So good.
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5 reactions

Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Appreciation 7/9 I appreciate: 1) Those little kicks being 21 weeks in, I couldn't imagine how grounded they make you feel. 2) Just chilling on the front stoop 3) That first sip of ice cold water after being outside in 90+ degrees for an hour
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Appreciation 7/8 I appreciate: 1) peanut butter, it's just good 2) ai inside podcast, interesting follow up on their TESCREAL episode 3) beet juice, a splash in water makes a world of difference.
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2 reactions

Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Come train with me on /farworld!
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
!attack south
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1 reaction

Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Appreciation 7/7/24 I appreciate: 1) oscillating saw. It just makes some jobs so easy. Even if I can't cut straight. 2) shade cloth. I almost think I need this over my patio. It's a world of difference in the garden. 3) early morning strolls. I've been so motivated today, and it all started with a bright and early dog walk along the river.
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Come train with me on /farworld!
2 replies
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Come train with me on /farworld!
1 reply
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
We gotta rub one out with these guys.
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Appreciation 7/5/24 I appreciate 1) Ike's, a Japanese restaurant in Roanoke. Owned and operated by a Japanese family. And the closest to real Japanese I've had since actually experiencing Japan in 2017. 2) Ikea, I may have not saved money buying baby furniture. But the ease of assembly was nice. 3) North of the Border, one of the many YouTube channels to just Zen out and enjoy.
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Come train with me on /farworld! Where's the training gang at
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4 reactions

Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
!attack south
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0 reaction

Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
!airdrop south
2 replies
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3 reactions

Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
/co airdrop
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Is this a reverse dead cat?
1 reply
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Drake 🎩 pfp
Drake 🎩
Sub 3k retests in 2024 wasn't on my bingo card.
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