tacuba pfp



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tacuba pfp
3800: The golden age of SOL is over, ETH is the pillar 4000: Bitcoin is digital gold, Ethereum is digital silver 4500: Ethereum is a human-level palace! 4800: ZK and L2 are human wisdom 5000: New highs are not a dream, Brother V will take me to the universe! 5500: In the future, 1 ETH = 1 villa 6000: Without ETH, you are not a coin circle person 8000: Whatever the leader V says is right 10000: Without ETH, there is no future
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tacuba pfp
The dimension of value judgment also requires some overall view. If you only see the value of a project, you will think that the project with a team of 100 people and a lot of code updates is a valuable project, and Memecoin, which has no utility, is worthless. This is actually not seeing the essence. The essence of the token economy is to look at the problem from an economic perspective. Why don't people buy into the value projects from the traditional perspective? Because its essence is likely to be a token dumping packaged at a high cost. Why do people buy into memecoin? Because it is a fair speculation packaged as a narrative - if guided properly, these huge speculative forces can become floods flowing through the dam, turning from a destructive force into a constructive force.
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tacuba pfp
If you look at the existence of Wall Street from a moral perspective, I think you must not be able to bear to look at it carefully. The "Wolf of Wall Street" is just the tip of the iceberg, but it is biased to ignore the potential value that always accompanies speculation and the positive benefits hidden under the madness. Desci imagined the future should be that countless medical and scientific research projects can be funded. Many projects will die, but there will be very powerful projects that survive, even if there is only one - if this project can change the lives of countless people and prolong their lifespan, then the value it creates itself, and the value it brings to the currency circle in the process, I think it is infinite.
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tacuba pfp
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tacuba pfp
A股 买入/卖出十大经纪商 瑞银:-72亿 高盛:-49亿 摩根士丹利:-46亿 巴克莱:-42亿 美林:-38亿 荷银:-35亿 万邦:-29亿 国泰君安:-18亿 中信:-17亿 中信里昂:-13亿
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tacuba pfp
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tacuba pfp
另外有个事情说一下,就是Delabs原本计划八月初就上okx,但okx那边的上币排期出现问题,导致不得不延迟发币了。 现在的行情延迟也好,项目方不会食言更不会跑路,该来的总会来放宽心。
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tacuba pfp
再补个动作 gm just deposited 10 SOL on Solayer join me here: FJPJBD https://t.co/P2uQXfTTPV https://t.co/0vWA5v4UUr
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tacuba pfp
两分钟搞定Bitlayer新活动撸大号猪脚饭,兄弟们记得去搞一下,别不上心 今年超火的BTC L2赛道项目 Bitlayer @BitlayerLabs 与Bitgetwallet @BitgetWallet 合作的最新活动,瓜分$100,000 BTR 奖池一定要去搞一下,Bitlayer 作为二层解决方案,为 BTC 提供安全性和完备性,项目融资了1600 万美金,ABCDE https://t.co/COlabE4hl5
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tacuba pfp
Pendle Intern @usualmoney 积分YT估值模型 懒人包版本 DYOR👇 ✤ 目前TVL 400M,假设发币FDV=300M、🪂7.5%代币 ✤ 假设全部农夫最终均获最大可能的10x multiplier积分加乘 YT回报 (按成本implied APY 15.8%) ⇨ ROI = 82.49% ⇨ 年化 = 1,631% ⇨ YT implied APY打和点(fair value) = ~28%
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tacuba pfp
RT @bitduck_club: Meme Family 目前还没有公布代币名称,我看之前推 $Jajak 的那帮米莱狄有互动,我去要了一些代币给大家,抽三份价值0.5 $SOL 的代币,48小时后我来收集中奖朋友的地址 1. 在评论区留Sol地址 2. 关注@bitduc…
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tacuba pfp
Meme Time: https://t.co/NQOb8IbD9e
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tacuba pfp
🧪 RPC Studio 预告 本周五,我们邀请到了Web3开发者教育平台 @HackQuest_ 的联创Kevin,向猫友们介绍HackQuest平台如何通过一系列活动与产品赋能Web3开发者与整个行业的技术发展。 欢迎大家届时扫码加入! https://t.co/INwFpSYJuv
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tacuba pfp
Open source Non custodial Useful The technology of inscrib3 will be used by everyone. https://t.co/5Jg8H3RP1I
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tacuba pfp
早上4.15起床,和長輩去農村挑馬莧菜,去到農村,我才感覺自己又活過來了。我的童年過的很辛苦,但是農村的童年的夏天,總會很治癒,綠油油的一片,我貪婪的呼吸菜地裡玉米的味道,花生葉子和豆子葉子的味道,農村真美,很治癒。 https://t.co/gVLV6CStPG
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tacuba pfp
好多天没撸毛了,突然发现 Linea 的任务结束了?有点失落呢🤣
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tacuba pfp
警惕新型诈骗 1U 骗局,打着撸毛的幌子行诈骗之事 玩法:交互1u撸空投(需要活跃地址) 骗子先做了个假官推,又花钱找了几个矩阵号大力宣传(web3 版每人给我 1U) 撸毛不行了,现在流行撸撸毛人了。 https://t.co/6ZOBeFNJFm
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tacuba pfp
看了那个女生给 k8s 提交的 PR 以及小红书上的文章,人家写的清清楚楚修改了一个文档对齐问题,并没有夸大宣传,有啥好喷的呢? 开源项目的优势就是创造了这样一个开放的环境让大家参与,而这种参与感可以让新人学习更有动力,同时也反哺项目,是个双赢的事情。 https://t.co/li491vuaJv
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tacuba pfp
National treasure was a documentary https://t.co/eODpZbAhgu
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