Syndicate pfp
Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of Degen Chain, an L3 for the /degen community built with Arbitrum Orbit, @base for settlement, and AnyTrust for DA. The chain’s native gas token is $DEGEN, making it one of the first community tokens with its own L3. Read more:
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1156 reactions

YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡 pfp
YES2Crypto 🎩 🟪🟡
@jacek @wake is this confirmed? I know web3 is permissionless, so they can do what they want, but is this also sanctioned by official $DEGEN project?
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stellabelle🎩 pfp
what consensus mechanism is used? is it proof of stake?
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Liam 🎩🔮⛓️💊 pfp
Liam 🎩🔮⛓️💊
Can anyone provide really clear instructions on how to bridge to DEGEN L3?
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LottoPGF pfp
PowerBALD will be launching there very soon 👨🏻‍🦲🎩 Follow /lotto to stay up to date!
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Coop pfp
Extremely based 1000 $DEGEN
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20 reactions

humpty 🔜 Farcon pfp
humpty 🔜 Farcon
wow this is amazing to see. a community born from farcaster is now running their own chain. 🧠✨
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Nick Prince  pfp
Nick Prince
based. 1000 $degen
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Yuki 🎩 ✈️ ✅ @ Farcon pfp
Yuki 🎩 ✈️ ✅ @ Farcon
This is awesome!! Big win for FC community 🎩 1000 $DEGEN
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0xqeew 🎩🔵 pfp
0xqeew 🎩🔵
This is HUGE!!! LFG
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logonaut 🎩🍖👁️🚪 pfp
logonaut 🎩🍖👁️🚪
Congrats! 🎊 420 $DEGEN
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alpurrt [🔵🧀 🎩 🌈] pfp
alpurrt [🔵🧀 🎩 🌈]
Idk what an L3 even is but I wanna dive into this rabbit hole. 100 $Degen for your troubles
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VERYMASA⌐◨-◨ 🎩🔵🟡 pfp
VERYMASA⌐◨-◨ 🎩🔵🟡
@eriharigai this is something new… L3
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Tavlius pfp
Stoked! 200 $DEGEN
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Soha 🎩🌈🔵⛓️🍖 pfp
Soha 🎩🌈🔵⛓️🍖
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Minhsg pfp
$degen is native token to use for gas fee ?
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M.F.L pfp
1000 $degen
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Nick Hollins ↑ pfp
Nick Hollins ↑
absolutely wild 10000 $DEGEN 🎩
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Ben pfp
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Jordi Pinyana pfp
Jordi Pinyana
This is awesome! Q: Is there any place were I can follow the development of it? I am very interested in the way you put every piece together :)
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