Sylve pfp



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Sylve pfp
That’s what I’m talking about That’s why he’s MVP That’s why he’s the 🐐 THE 🐐
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Sylve pfp
Super happy to partner up with the @sindri team to make proof generation more convenient!
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Sylve pfp
And if you're curious about the origin of this meme:
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Sylve pfp
EthCC roll call! If you wanna vibe about zk, trust infrastructure, P2P applications or just have fun with the @hyle-org team, send me a DM! (sorry not sorry for the 𝓅𝒽𝑜𝓉𝑜𝓂𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒶𝑔𝑒 @jerome)
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Sylve pfp
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Sylve pfp
Never thought it'd provable solve world peace
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Sylve pfp
damn son talk about changing the world with zk
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Sylve pfp
call me locked in martin the way i'm running on fumes while cruising across the sky
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Sylve pfp
Didn’t buy early enough
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Sylve pfp
I still have trouble qualifying the current situation as a bear market When I started in crypto btc hovered around 4k for months We're gucci
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Sylve pfp
i hope i'm posting this right
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Sylve pfp
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Sylve pfp
It does yes! Love the sufficiently decentralized design of Farcaster
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Sylve pfp
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Sylve pfp
The comic book one at Pompidou is great!
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Sylve pfp
Hiya there
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Sylve pfp
I wonder how I wonder why
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Sylve pfp
Yet another take on *when* you should use blockchains, and when P2P tech or even (gasp!) centralized web2 systems are sufficient. It's long been a pet peeve of mine, born from many discussions with @wraitii who kept pestering me on *why* this or that needed to be onchain. I came from a very maximalist view of *absolutely everything* should run onchain then came to realize over the years that *some things* need to be onchain, but most would be completely overkill. You don't need to run Twitter *fully* onchain. And zero-knowledge proofs allow you to enact this separation of concern, extending the truly unique capabilities of blockchain to web2ish systems: trustlessness in all parts of the stack. Infusing blockchain properties into web2 protocols.
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Sylve pfp
It takes an awfully long time to realize that if you can't stick to a miracle morning routine of waking up at 5am, meditating and journaling before hitting the gym, maybe that routine just isn't for you If you can't *force* yourself to learn something and form new habits, maybe you're not doing it the right way. If you consistently failed to "spend 1h per day reading on a particular topic to improve your skills, you're not the problem, it's not that you lack discipline per se, just that, in practice, it doesn't work for you. Learning for me was always a matter of talking with smarter folks. It's something I enjoy doing. I ask questions, I probe, I pester. Then I learn. I'm definitely not good at sitting in a corner reading stuff. It took me a long time to realize it's an OK way of learning. If it works, it ain't dumb.
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Sylve pfp
Imagine if the marginal cost of verifiability went to 0
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