Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon pfp
Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon
Stated:revealed conveniently leaves the lack of self control out of the discussion
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
What do you mean?
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Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon pfp
Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon
Half baked at the moment but I’m pondering through preference falsifications and crowd pressure dynamics in the revealed side of your lil pet expression 😊
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Stated preference is very much about preference falsification! Most people like saying things that they think other people want to hear (or increases their status with said people). Virtue signaling, etc.
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Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊Farcon pfp
Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊Farcon
Dan’s stated preference: he believes in revealed precedence > stated preference. Dan’s revealed preference: Spends all day talking to people about stated preferences on Farcaster. 🤔 Could be on to something @bias, no self control to be found.
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Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon pfp
Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon
Fucking Golden Cast of the Day from @syed We need to start a CotD award
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@moar boom roasted
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