Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
Asking users to pay (and go through UX hassles) to register domain names is not a mainstream user experience. It was tried many times including with RSS and didn’t work. If your protocol design relies on it, it won’t scale. Centralized intermediaries will step in to streamline as Twitter et al did with RSS.
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Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊Farcon pfp
Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊Farcon
I’d push back and say people are starting to understand that if they’re not paying they are the product. Years of ad revenue and selling of data has made people more aware of the incentives. Not the same market. Twitter and Netflix charging drives the point home. Maybe before was all a 0 interest rate phenomenon l
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Chu Ka-Cheong pfp
Chu Ka-Cheong
I guess @cdixon.eth is referring to protocols that use DNS names as user identifiers, e.g. Bluesky’s AT Protocol. When people paying to register a domain name, the money don’t go to the product or the protocol, so it is not about user paying for the apps.
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