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gm for the next stream of consciousness on unlonely, we’re trying a new format: welcoming others to read beforehand then discuss a study of the ethical dilemma of responsibility in LLMs. if you’re interested, reach out to @sam or me for a pdf of the study and for logistics https://is.gd/hokuqu
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Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊 pfp
Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊
Interesting. I’ve recent taken the position that there is no ethical dilemma. Political manipulation was rampant with big data and LLM just encourages critical thinking. Also no danger with super AI since all roads lead to roam, just like how humanity has gotten more peaceful, super AI will self improve to peaceful.
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🪷 pfp
Yeah, I think that's a popular position, or that ethical concerns are secondary to the continued development of AI. Re: "super AI will self improve to peaceful". That's an ideal state. In the meanwhile, it's being used to dominate people. One of my concerns is creating such turnkey solutions https://is.gd/ahibay
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