Piotr pfp



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Piotr pfp
if you want to live in extraordinary life, you must be willing to do extraordinary things πŸ’ͺ
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Piotr pfp
optimists live longer
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Piotr pfp
you need 8 hours of sleep
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Piotr pfp
Stop trying to be interesting and focus on being interested. You become interesting by being interested 🧠
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Piotr pfp
Social media is designed to make you wish you were someone else, somewhere else, and with someone else. Curate your consumption and eliminate what brings negative emotions 🧘
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Piotr pfp
The time you spend comparing yourself to others is much better spent investing in yourself. The only comparison worth making is to you from yesterday
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Piotr pfp
Your success in life is proportional to the number of difficult conversations you're willing to have
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Piotr pfp
Stop worrying about what other people think of you. Most people aren't thinking about you at all 🧠
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Piotr pfp
The "sleep when I'm dead" mentality is broken. Great sleep is an essential ingredient of great results πŸ›ŒπŸ˜΄
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Piotr pfp
When you think something nice about someone, tell them right then. It's a tiny habit that will pay long lasting dividends 🌟
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Piotr pfp
One of the most valuable lesson on productivity πŸ’Ž - Make a list of all the tasks you need to accomplish the next day. - Focus solely on completing these tasks. - If someone asks you to do something additional, make a note of it. - Start each day by completing your most important task.
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Piotr pfp
Use your time better 🧠 Everyday make a list before you begin. Organize the list by priority. Start on your most important task and work on your most important task πŸ’ͺ
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Piotr pfp
Philosophy of purchasing things. Ask yourself - why do I want this? Is this something that I want or is this something that I’ve been conditioned to want (ads)? If it had nothing to do with the goals that you set, don’t buy it
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Piotr pfp
compounding wins small habits on regular basis
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Piotr pfp
In an age of distractions, nothing is a greater luxury than dedicating your attention to something πŸ’Ž
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Piotr pfp
Put value on things you cannot replace (health β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή >>> new rolex ⌚️)
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Piotr pfp
If you want a simple formula for having a good day, then get a workout done and do your most important task before lunch. Knock out those two things by noon and you really feel like you're ahead of the day πŸ’ͺ
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Piotr pfp
A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought β€” they must be earned.
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Piotr pfp
Dreams without goals are just dreams, and ultimately they fuel disappointment
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Piotr pfp
Perception is key. How you speak or how you dress, all these things convey a message. You need to master the forms of communication that trancend the spoken word
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