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If you want true democracy, elections and representative governments are flawed mechanisms. And random representative assemblies could fix it. A 10 points thread
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1. Election is actually Aristocratic: we elect the bests to represent us. Most aristocracies degenerate into oligarchies when the children of the best are considered the best. It's been widely discussed, for example by Socrates & cie who were for aristocracy, not democracy
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2. Abdication of Sovereignty: Elections involve renouncing your sovereignty by giving power to representatives, thus placing some people above you.
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3. Political Disengagement: Knowing you cannot have power leads to infantilization, irresponsibility, and discouragement, pulling us away from active political participation.
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4. Power Seekers: Elections empower those who desire power. Most people do not want power. "The most visible trait of a fair man is not at all to govern others but only to govern himself.”
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5. Favoring Liars: To be elected and re-elected, candidates often need to lie about what they can or will do. Later they'll manipulate data about their achievements, and lie again. Honest individuals have little chance.
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6. Creating Masters: Elections aim to choose the most qualified individuals, which can psychologically lead to vanity and the belief that one is justified in making decisions for the greater good. Random selection creates equals instead.
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