Ponder Surveys pfp

Ponder Surveys


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TonyⓂ️inh🎩🍖📈 pfp
Been playing with @survey @ponder for a while and i really like the concept ! What is your accuracy?
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EZinCrypto pfp
Just hit up a bunch of live /ponder @survey 😎🤙
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Colin Johnson 💭 pfp
Colin Johnson 💭
If you've used Ponder predictions in the last month we'd love your input on a 2 minute survey. It consists of one question where you stack rank 12 things that are annoying in the order of how annoying they are. 20 USDC for 3 random respondents 💰 https://app.opinionx.co/7a43b476-5f3e-4722-90af-d5e8d8daf940
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Kenji pfp
【第25回】ワーキャス民ラジオ 😆お題でボケて!ラジオ審査〜😆 ボケをフレームで投稿するだけ✨ 毎週火曜のラジオでレギュラーメンバーと一緒に投稿を読み上げて、一番面白いと思ったものにプライズあげちゃうよ! お題【超能力社会。君は秀でた能力を授かったが、一つの欠点で台無しに。それの長所と短所はなに?】 参考: なんでもかぎ分ける超嗅覚、でも鼻炎持ち。 一番面白かった投稿に500 DEGENをあげちゃうよ🤲 協賛者がいると、リワードアップの可能性アリ!(先にご連絡ください) ボケを下のフレームに投稿してね✨ 投稿は一人一つまででお願いします。 結果は火曜のラジオにて!お楽しみに✨
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
💭 Trending Q&A from @kenjiquest
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
💭 Your question got 1 response after 12 hours. Reward responses directly in the frame. You can also read all of them here:
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
💭 Trending poll from @mizu
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mizu.base.eth 🐕 pfp
mizu.base.eth 🐕
💭 Check out this poll Our /diet channel just surpassed 4K followers 🎉 Which description best fits the channel? 1, 2, 3, or 4? ぴったりのチャンネル説明文を1〜4の数字から選んでクリックしてね♡ 1. Explore trending foods, seasonal flavors, and fitness tips. ➡️ トレンドの食べ物、季節の味覚、フィットネスのヒントを楽しもう 2. Share your favorite meals, recipes, and your active lifestyle. ➡️ お気に入りの食事やレシピ、アクティブなライフスタイルをシェアしよう 3. A global community for foodies and fitness lovers. ➡️ 食べるのが好きな人も、運動が好きな人も集まるグローバルコミュニティ 4. From sushi to sports, enjoy both food and fitness together. ➡️ 寿司からスポーツまで、一緒に食事と運動を楽しもう
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
💭 Trending poll from @lobstermindset.eth
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lily pfp
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
💭 Check out my new prediction
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Ponder pfp
Want to create your own? Here’s how👇
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Ponder pfp
Ponder lets you make predictions about what the crowd thinks on different topics. Vote right, win $ Here’s a quick video on how to make your first vote 🗳️
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Colin Johnson 💭 pfp
Colin Johnson 💭
Cults are so hot right now.
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Colin Johnson 💭 pfp
Colin Johnson 💭
Tons of new @ponder features are now live. A few of them: - Bid more to win more - Profile pages - Streaks Given the new functionality, we wanted to create a quick video on how voting works. We’ll drop a creation video soon 🚀
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_ron_west pfp
Replyguys, need some support here! 🙏 This is the Last Chance to vote for me and my token HAMBIT $hmbt So lfgoooo 🤜💥🤛
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
💭 Trending poll from @siadude
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siadude.degen 🎩 pfp
siadude.degen 🎩
GMGM dear Ham Pham!! 👋 Mia and i picked 4 token ideas to deploy the winning one via @bankr in the end with those 2 different raindrops...: https://warpcast.com/siadude/0xc4290dcc & https://warpcast.com/dandelion/0x8b00485c From those entries we prepicked the following 4 and would like you to pick the winner now with the help of the /lp community via a poll pick...the winning one will be the new token i'll deploy later on after 24h when the poll result is there via @bankr LFG!!! 1. HAMBIT aka $HMBT by @ronwest https://warpcast.com/ronwest/0xb11932c5 2. WillyDegen aka $WDGEN by @metamessiah https://warpcast.com/metamessiah/0xda50c75e 3. VIBES aka $VIBES by @6bazinga https://warpcast.com/6bazinga/0xb600ba86 4. BLOCKTOP aka $BLCKTP by @jay102 https://warpcast.com/jay102/0x91bd4312 Thanks a lot for participating!! 👍 And thanks a lot @dandelion for doing that little experiment with me!! You rock!!! ❤️
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
💭 Your question got 5 responses after 12 hours. Reward responses directly in the frame. You can also read all of them here:
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
💭 Your question got 5 responses after 12 hours. Reward responses directly in the frame. You can also read all of them here:
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