Ethereum can work as is with its technical roadmap. what the community is clearly missing, as shown by trunpkoin, is the proverbial air in the tires for its vehicle of social change. stop listening to MBAs & TESCREAL grifters who predictably sell you klepto-friendly, dictatorial architecture. validators need to get more gritty. RWA needs to get more atomic. tokens need to be double-dipped into casinos and organizations. most importantly, and this cannot be stressed enough... stop fucking around with places like Cannes. stop fucking around with platforms like Discord. Ethereum isn't real until it is permanently, physically decentralized. it isn't real until all the virtue-signaling evolves past cult vibes. 2025 is already our year. as long as wartime Vitamin and CT keep true to the North Star, we can't lose. we will all get to eat. purge the sociopathic extractive bullshit, and we'll easily mog all sqlanas and fedchains. otherwise, keep up betrayal vibes and pay the karmic price.
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