The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre All We seek is freedom and the desire to be involved with and to grow within. Implicating vague, dead end informations which subside from any actual real answers is clear motive and futile to not only those who seek but also to those who lead or leave astray. It's not the fact We dont care or aren't participant enough or even that We dont try...but simply the fact We must learn at the pace of which We are capable. Soon PE3PS, soon. Right now, We are going to get much needed rest and contemplate on how to improve and not only how to grow more assets but how to be more of an asset. GN wonderful souls of FC!
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Also goes without saying seeing 1/3 followers instantaneously unfollowing within merely an hour tonight along with all the other obvious haps been going on surrounding 0ur experience here lately that too many coincidences is no coincidence. For the real PE3PS out there We are forever grateful of You🙏 Keep believing
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