Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
The FarCon Mint went… not like we thought it would 😂 @grin and I are circling up this morning and want to hear from you about how we make @farcon something this community would love to attend. We know people want to get together, so what missed the mark?
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adrienne pfp
Need more information. What should we expect? Why should we go? What’s in it for me? It’s a high bar to overcome without knowing what to expect - mint and pay for ticket - clear schedule - get to boston PS. I’m still going to try to make it but need to figure out some logistics first
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I hear that for sure. To be honest, a lot of conversations we had indicated to us that the demand was already there and we just needed to get it going Clearly this was wrong hence why we’re doing this 😂 On your question list, what would you like @farcon to have that would make it worth it?
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Nick Ducoff pfp
Nick Ducoff
@dwr.eth and/or @v in person
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
This is the dream 😩
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