Boris Dyakov pfp
Boris Dyakov
my pal Evan wrote a piece on urbit today and ngl I’m really excited to play around with it who are the urbit ppl to follow on here?
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Stephen pfp
I have issues with the article… (Ive been following/involved for ~8 years) For example: “devs and users no longer need to rely on or manage servers” - unfortunately, urbit requires all users to manage 1+ server(s). And yes hosted does not mean fully managed
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Stephen pfp
Also, groups are hosted on the ship that originated the group. Delete the ship, delete the group. It isn’t currently fully decentralized to the point that you can shard app data across the network. The analog is sub-reddits where you can download your posts/comments but not the entire sub
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Stephen pfp
Network: “urbit uses ames” - urbit uses UDP. Need I say more…. Ames is cool. Ames needs help to scale beyond 10k users. For background, I wrote the first community OSS ames network library, go-urbit on github.
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nalo pfp
3K ships* users is less
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Stephen pfp
Correct, 3k ships currently, and ames won’t be able to handle 10k
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nalo pfp
may I sardonically point you to Ares
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Stephen pfp
I’m familiar, good steps imo, will take a while to complete
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nalo pfp
caster urbit thread
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