Stephan pfp



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Stephan pfp
openai cofounder says he expects to see AGI in 2-3 years lol good interview
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Stephan pfp
Sounds like something that needs to exist. I haven’t built saying in this space but I know df is looking to turn into a router of sorts which opens links in a preferred client Would love to learn more about the architecture you’re thinking about to achieve this
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🎩.artlu.eth👃- 呂Kunst pfp
🎩.artlu.eth👃- 呂Kunst
trying smth - - 4 clicks to get from Warpcast to Supercast - can become 2 clicks when some training wheels get taken off I will use this simplistic action to build portable, private, composable FC-ecosystem-wide onchain user settings (e.g., specify preferred clients)
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Stephan pfp
Cc @df /farcaster-id
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Stephan pfp
i see this as fair use
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Stephan pfp
evergreen tweet
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Stephan pfp
how does eth capture value from memecoins on L2 🫠 if anything, people are dumping eth to ape into memecoins
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Stephan pfp
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Stephan pfp
Holy shit lol
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Stephan pfp
it doesn't matter if it's 100 commands or 1 command, when the state is multiple terabytes it's going to be hard for people to download & store. this is going to be a problem for all decentralized social networks evetually, which is why it's important to be extremely conservative with what you put in the network state
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Stephan pfp
bluesky also gets this right
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Stephan pfp
let's not conflate "onchain" with "open & decentralized" blockchains have a lot of overhead to guarantee the exact ordering and atomicity of transactions which are not necessary for social and result in additional costs for end users this is what lens gets wrong vs farcaster imo
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Stephan pfp
i was also surprised when i saw sama's tweet. i thought some people had access already so assumed it was a phased rollout and have been checking my chatgpt every now and again to see if i have access lol
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Stephan pfp
the whole point of SNARK proofs is that they can be validated cheaply - the problem is that it is very expensive to generate them
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Stephan pfp
operational costs *after migrating
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Stephan pfp
my concern is that the benefits using of a blockchain diminish when it becomes very hard to sync and run a node wrt cost - posting and verifying validity proofs is cheap, but computing them is not. i would be curious to hear what you expect the total operational costs of migrating lens to a validium will be
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Stephan pfp
okay cool, i like that!
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Stephan pfp
nice! what about the 1 character usernames 😆
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Stephan pfp
fyi the new chatgpt voice feature isn't live yet. any voice feature you've been using has been there for months already easy way to check if it's the new version is to ask it to sing something
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Stephan pfp
can you elaborate on what you mean by the modularity of the architecture? what are devs' options when it comes to putting things onchain? my understanding is that posts, reactions, profile data, and follows are the primitives that always go onchain. is that right? thank you!
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