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what measures does syndicate have in place to prevent wallets from being drained when calling arbitrary contracts? struggling to find information about this on
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Will Papper
Hey @stephancill, currently we simulate the TX to ensure that gas estimates are correct and that failed transactions due to gas issues won't go through. We also offer a contract allowlist if you want to restrict the contracts that can be called. If you're worried about malicious contracts using up all available gas without running out of gas (i.e. to grief a successful transaction), I'd recommend a wrapper contract that sets a custom gas limit and forwards the transactions to the arbitrary contract using DELEGATECALL. That would give you safety onchain, ensuring that transactions that exceed the gas limit would fail in simulation and not use up gas onchain
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thanks for the information! you're speaking about gas, but i'm actually also looking to execute transactions that transfer eth (e.g. minting an nft on zora) is that possible with syndicate today?
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Will Papper
You can do this, we have an endpoint that we can manually enable for you that supports this (it's the same as sendTransaction but it supports a value param) The other way to do so is to handle it in the wrapper contract, if you're already using one anyway. That's what the FC team did to add support for Zora minting using Frames via our APIs (Uses our Frame API but our Transaction API is the same functionality, just greater flexibility)
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