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Where do I add the `fc` properties in my frames.js application? My page.tsx app comes with this out of the box: `export async function generateMetadata(): Promise<Metadata> { return { title: "my title", description: "my description", other: { ...(await fetchMetadata(new URL("/frames", appURL()))), }, }; }` But when I debug my application I see these errors: `fc:frame Missing required meta tag "fc:frame" fc:frame:image Missing required meta tag "fc:frame:image" og:image Missing meta tag "og:image"` It looks like `fc:frame` is already there in the `other` property. How Can I add properties like `fc:frame:image` to my app? It's nowhere to be found in the boilerplate code.
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Samuel ツ
<head> <meta fc:frame ... </head? more guidance:
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I've been following the docs to the letter, and cannot get it to work. Using frames has been frustrating to say the least
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