The Sandbox pfp

The Sandbox


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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
The Sandbox Builders Bootcamp九十九里🏕️ 閉幕🌞 3日間にわたるクリエイタープログラムが無事に終了しました✨ 北海道から沖縄まで、全国各地から集まった総勢50名のクリエイターが一堂に会し、共にゲーム制作に取り組みました🏗️ 普段は孤独になりがちな制作活動ですが、自然豊かな環境でお互いに教え合ったり、制作したゲームを見せあったりすることで、知識が深まるだけでなく、創造性もさらに引き出されたのではないかと思います💡 参加者の皆さんは、ぜひ1つの体験に仕上げ、セルフパブリッシュして、世界中のプレイヤーにご自身が制作したオリジナルコンテンツを楽しんでもらいましょう🎮🌎
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
A school in France is using The Sandbox to create games with a trusted partner. This is the dream right here: empowering this & future generations of UGC creators by giving them the tools to succeed and empower others.
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
FINAL CHANCE 💥 TO CLAIM Don’t miss the Origin Dragon Armor Set 🐉 exclusively for Avatar Owners! Claim closes this Sunday at 3pm UTC
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
Embrace the zaniness of the Rabbids Rockstars Avatar Collection as they conquer the stage with wild costumes, epic guitar riffs and hilarious antics! 🪠🤘 Allowlist closes 10am UTC - July 1st! ⏳
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
🔹 DAO 官網及提案投票通道: 🔹 論壇 — 議案討論 🔹了解更多關於DAO:投票決定元宇宙的未來-7423c450c8ba 🔹 DAO 提案指南:提案指南-e05d922cdfd3
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
Join the biggest Web3 UGC gaming event! 🏆 The Builders' Challenge rewards creators with $SAND for creating great experiences. Which means great experiences to play! BONUS: Creators offer lots of Play & Earn events too! 😉 You in? Explore below to find your next adventure 👀👇
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
The Sandbox 致力於教育下一代成為創作者,並吸引更多人發展元宇宙!🏞️ The Sandbox 成為畢業作品,學生自由創作 ​ 香港資訊科技學院 (HKIIT) 數碼媒體課程的學生,在畢業作品中使用 The Sandbox 創造元宇宙,展現了創意與技術。 學生的「畢業功課」不同於一般論文,而是以 The Sandbox 創造元宇宙。 ​​ 作品包括沙田 IVE 的元宇宙創新中心,即使不在現場也能感受到其中的設計。
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
The Sandbox is increasing popularity of schools in Hong Kong 🥳 We want students to learn about blockchain & Web3 by playing games 🥳
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
🏆Funguy Season 2: SHROOMPALOOZA🏆 🍄- 7 NEW Games + 3 Returning Favorites 🍄- 10,000 SAND, + LAND, & TSHY Prizes 🍄- Weekly Main & Biweekly Side Events 10 Weeks, 10 Games, No Boring Activities.
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
🥁 Hear the thunderous drumbeats of the Dragon Boat Festival! 🐲 🔹 INDEX Challenge Round 1 Game #2 🔹 🏆Be the ultimate Dragon Boat champion - complete the challenge with 40 or more score to earn rewards! 3 lucky winners will each receive 10 SAND tokens!
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
🥁 Paddle to the beat of the drums! 🐲 🎶 From the energetic drumbeats to the colorful dragons, "Go! Go! Dragon Boat" offers an immersive cultural experience unlike any other. 🚣‍♂️ 🎮 Stay tuned on our games in TSBBuildersChallenge 2 to get exclusive rewards! 🎁
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
文創無界 —— 中國(深圳)國際文化產業博覽交易會上星期於香港元創方延展,展出約 300 件香港藝術作品及文創產品,其中更包括 Indexgamehk 的「九龍城寨」體驗及展品🔥
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
Earn a Wearable NFT by Playing Chicago Noir! Start now 👉 Complete the Talk to the Concierge quest in Chicago Noir to win a Panda Hat NFT 🐼🎩 🔹 Only 855 available! 🔹 Limited time offer 🔹 In-game power boost
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
🗳️ The Sandbox DAO 首場中文區 AMA 將於下周舉辦,讓你更加了解 TheSandboxDAO,通過投票提案,參與平台治理! 🗓️6 月 28 日(週五) ⏰晚上 7:30 - 8:30 (UTC+8) 參與者包括 borgetsebastien mialalala2 CyrilForte 不要錯過這個機會,讓您的聲音被聽見⬇️
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
推出第三屆 「歸屬周」活動 邀請大家在元宇宙中慶祝驕傲月🌈 我們為 LGBTQ+ 社區提供一個獨特而包容的安全虛擬空間,大家可以自由、真實地表達自己身份。超越物理限制和社會障礙,與來自全球各地的志同道合者建立聯繫和支持性網絡💓 在本次活動中每贏取 1 SAND,The Sandbox 就會向支持 LGBTQ+ 權利的慈善機構捐出相應的金額。 🔗 活動連結:
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
We're excited to announce that The Sandbox now holds /pepecoin , /shibainu, /bonk , /memeland , /degentokenbase , and /dogecoin ! 🌐 We're thrilled to integrate their unique cultures into our platform.
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
香港資訊科技學院(HKIIT)於上週五舉行啟動禮,展出多個由學生們製作的 TheSandbox 遊戲作品。 主題包括虛擬校園、香港地標、解謎遊戲、復古遊戲,橫跨文化、科技、教育等各個範疇🔥
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
This June, we're thrilled to celebrate Pride in The Sandbox – a boundless space where everyone can freely express their true selves. 🌈 Our metaverse transcends limitations, fostering connections and support within the LGBTQ+ community. 🌍💜
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The Sandbox pfp
The Sandbox
🔍 Want to explore The Sandbox Map? Visit and get your LAND now! Let's build the metaverse together. #TheSandbox (9/9)
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