Sriram Krishnan pfp
Sriram Krishnan
What makes a great group chat? I have some theories ( and working on a post) but would love other takes.
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Sid pfp
- everyone in the group feeling compelled to participate (rather than just a few active folks) - instant/quick feedback on ideas/posts from group members. Generates excitement + rapport.
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Saumya Saxena 🎩 pfp
Saumya Saxena 🎩
I enjoy two kinds of group chats- 1. Where there's this inherent positive sum mindset - think the mentality of giving vs taking. So folks come forward with thoughts, ideas, and debate/discuss 2. Absurd fun and memes
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ash pfp
limited number of people (less than 20), a personal connection of some sort (e.g. friends, community) a shared interest (e.g. sports)
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Tomu pfp
the perfect mix of insightful, helpful, and funny content. A group of like-minded contributors, not lurkers, spiced up with the right touch of memes, makes it great
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Steven Leshinger 🎩 pfp
Steven Leshinger 🎩
Friends gathering around a shared interest
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Joon Ian Wong pfp
Joon Ian Wong
1. Some utility eg. Shared pdfs 2. Periodic irl meet-ups 3. Latent ambient discussion of shared and adjacent topics
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frdysk 🦠 pfp
frdysk 🦠
The less similar thought process, the better
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derek pfp
Density: the right amount of content, with a “Dunbar-ian number” of messages for every group size. Diversity: Unshared perspectives around a shared identity. Creates healthy friction & inertia. Dialogue: not how many messages there are, but how many back-and-forths. “Active chat state” is how we refer to it.
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. pfp
A good people’s curator.
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whit no longer @ FarCon 😢 pfp
whit no longer @ FarCon 😢
People giving more than they take (eg, shilling their own projects) Keeping it small; don’t let members just invite anyone in. Tight group lets members get to know each other, breeds trust, which leads to valuable conversation
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Sara Baumann pfp
Sara Baumann
Inviting people who all gel together well. And not inviting too many people. Sometimes too many cooks makes chaos.
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