Shawn Price
Soul-bound NFTs sent to an NFTs ERC-6551 Token Bound Account are going to unlock a new round of innovation within the NFT community. Here’s a handful of ideas I’m thinking of.
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Shawn Price
Historical Provenance - A gallerist who features an NFT in their exhibition at Art Basel can send a historical provenance NFT to an NFTs TBA. Over time the explicit historical provenance of an NFT will be a part of the story of valuing the NFT, much like in traditional art today.
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Shawn Price
Preservation - Computer systems 800 years from now won’t know what to do with PNG files. I can download the image of an NFT of mine, run ImageMagick to convert the PNG to something else, mint a Preservation NFT containing the version of IM used, the command used, hashes of the input and output, and anyone can verify.
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