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The new lower fork prop (candidate )must be from a concerned citizen, valid arguments but why hide? At best you can use ownership and participation to help convince the need. At worst, you're left to roll with the 30%
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
0 fork threshold is dumb idea bc it’s an immediate arb opportunity
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Spencer Perkins
* 0 threshold => rage quit * Auction price will jump to book value * Treasury will be drained N %, where N is % Nouners leaving From DAO perspective, better off to spend the treasury and bring book value down to auction prices first Do understand the sentiment behind the candidate tho. Minority holders shouldn’t be forced into DUNA if they don’t want. Tricky, tricky
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Dao drain vs arb drain. Why is one better than the other? A pre switch fork option makes a lot of sense from an ownership standpoint.
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Spencer Perkins
Depends what perspective you are looking from. * For DAO: better to spend since funds go toward building things * For Nouners: better to arb since funds go to holders But…. This is basically an argument against/for the fork in general. A threshold of 0% or 30% doesn’t really matter too much. If 30% want to leave the same thing happens. Lower the threshold, better the minority protection.
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Spencer Perkins
* same thing in terms of DAO drain The other thing that 0% does is push auction to BV. The only people who would be buying are arbers during this time since BV is higher than current value. But new arb would be small. Since fork would be removed shortly after, long term these outcomes are basically the same assuming 30% do fork if the threshold was not lowered.
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