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souravinsights pfp
what's the easiest way to read/index data across popular chains like @base !194515 @zora? any APIs available? while @airstack solves part of my challenge, i also need to access & read all smart contract txs for a given address on various chains, be it Base, Optimism, Zora, Ethereum etc.. any recommendations?
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Samuel pfp
if etherscan is available on all these chains then might work
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wijuwiju.eth pfp
we've build our entire crypto media experience on top of for Zora, Base, Optimism, Ethereum. Super nice, their archives let you sync stuff extremely fast, provide hosted solution, batching paradigm is super intuitive to learn if you coming from subgraph or something, support and docs are top notch
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
depending on your use case, but thegraph, mirror, allium, transpose, alchemy zora is the hardest bc it has the lowest support across those tools, but its improving slowly
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