sota_bonsailover pfp



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sota_bonsailover pfp
Bonsai make a bar look cool🪴🍸✨
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Isn't this BONSAI impressive? The white bark exudes both age and elegance🪴 Look at the roots🌳 They are so cool, right?✨
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sota_bonsailover pfp
I wanted to share the most stunning BONSAI from the Japanese bonsai art brand, Scapes.🪴This BONSAI is planted in a metallic container, an unprecedented and bold challenge in the BONSAI world. Do you feel the potential of BONSAI as an art form?🌳🎨
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Check out this bonsai with the NEAGARI style🪴Focus on the roots—aren't they dynamic and impressive?😏🌳
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sota_bonsailover pfp
The presence of BONSAI displayed in the lounge of a luxury hotel is both solemn and mystical北🌳✨
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Have you seen BONSAI tree that's over 500 years old?👀 The weathered and bleached branches look so cool, don't they? 🪴🦴 The living parts of the tree are still thriving, soaking up sunlight, absorbing water, and drawing nutrients from the soil, which is why it continues to live. Bonsai is an art that combine…
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sota_bonsailover pfp
BONSAI at Shibuya Scramble Crossing, Japan's most famous tourist spot. Isn't it super cool?✨ If you ever come to Japan, let's bring BONSAI and visit Shibuya Scramble Crossing🪴📸
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sota_bonsailover pfp
BONSAI is a renowned Japanese art that touches hearts worldwide 🎨🌳 Witness the delicate and dynamic forms for yourself 👀 Wouldn't you love to embark on a bonsai tour in Japan?✈️🇯🇵🪴
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sota_bonsailover pfp
I just had to share this with you—it's my absolute favorite BONSAI from my collection🪴🪴 The combination of its resilience and beauty never fails to inspire me. Just looking at its powerful yet elegant form gives me such a boost of energy. Check it out! 🌳💪✨
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Here's BONSAI as a gift for my dear junior🪴 I hope you'll consider gifting BONSAI to someone special in your life too. If it were you, what kind of BONSAI would you choose to give?🎁
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sota_bonsailover pfp
We are BONSAI CLUB🪴 We're connecting people everywhere through BONSAI. Want to join us?🙌
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Check out this bonsai with its super dynamic, winding trunk🪴 It's a HAN-KENGAI style, showing off the fierce strength of a tree clinging to a cliff⛰️ If you're ever coming to Japan to see these amazing bonsai, hit me up! 🌳🎌
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Check out this BONSAI, a piece of art that has lived for hundreds of years. Doesn't its white, bleached trunk give off a mystical aura? 🌟"
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Guess where I am? 👀It’s the famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing🇯🇵 I often walk around here carrying BONSAI🪴If you spot me, don’t hesitate to say hi👋
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sota_bonsailover pfp
I just leveled up to level 4 on Phaver! 🎉 As a BONSAI LOVER, I’m even more excited to share the beauty of BONSAI with the world. Let’s keep spreading the bonsai love together! Cheers! 🌿💚
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sota_bonsailover pfp
When you think of BONSAI, what image comes to mind? Even a tree with this sacred aura is considered BONSAI🪴
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Bonsai trees are such cool cultural icons that even fit perfectly in a shisha bar. You’d totally take a bonsai with you, right?🌳
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Check out the first-ever nighttime light-up exhibit at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum! 🌟 Experience the enchanting beauty of bonsai like never before, as these living works of art are illuminated under the night sky. It's a magical journey through tradition and light, capturing the essence of Japanese artistry in a …
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Bonsai, the pinnacle of Japanese culture and art, brings inspiration and peace, even in the palm of your hand🪴🖐️Maple trees are one of my favorites🍁
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sota_bonsailover pfp
Get ready🙌BONSAI NFT CLUB is thrilling web3 project designed to enchant art lovers everywhere with the magic of bonsai🌳Representing Japan's rich tradition, diversity, and cutting-edge creativity, bonsai is now the hot spot where Japanese web3 projects are coming together. Excited for the token launch? Stay tun…
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