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how do i politely cut negative people out of my life?
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🎀 sonya (in theory) 🐰
are you not able to just stop engaging, like you need to have a breakup conversation with them because they keep seeking you out?
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they keep asking me to hang out
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🎀 sonya (in theory) 🐰
I think there are two strategies with different pros/cons one is to straight up tell them you don't have room in your life for this relationship. this is so difficult but in some ways a kindness, gives them the opportunity to reflect and change (if they're the type of person who is able to). OTOH, also gives them the opportunity to try to change your mind which can tough to deal with other is to fade them / gradually ghost. make an excuse every time, respond slowly, eventually stop responding at all. at some point they get the hint and give up
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i don't feel like i know them well enough to be honest with them, it's more of an acquaintance than a friend, i just feel like such an asshole still. because i really feel like they need a friend but also i just don't want to be around people who make me feel worse. meh. i just know myself, and i always give up my energy to other people, and i'm trying to stop doing that
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