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I may be a bit dense but is there a reason why artists or platforms have not baked in incentives to hold art for longer after a mint. something like royalties that become less and less upon reaching certain milestone times after a mint? Is it not possible or has it just never been tried?
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To what end? The churn after a mint can be ugly to watch but is profitable for both artists and platforms (and sometimes collectors) Artists could tie a physical or a mint pass to holding a certain amount of time (carrot). Or blow up the collection size or degrade artwork quality if they don't comply (stick)
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I think this would just be another tool in the toolkit. I don’t think it would be right for every drop but there are some that it would benefit. (i.e.- drops where the price is clearly undermarket and where the mints will be provided to an allowlist for example), your examples are also tools for sure.
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