Soheil 🎩 pfp

Soheil 🎩


1216 Following

Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
I got my Moxie Pass! Mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Electroforming: Technique: A metal-forming process that uses electrical current to deposit metal onto a conductive surface.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Organize an international mural project where artists from different countries contribute sections that are combined into a single, large-scale digital mural.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Use algorithms to generate a series of prints or digital artworks, exploring themes of randomness and order.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Oil Painting: Use thin layers of transparent paint (glazes) over an underpainting to create depth and luminosity.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Combine photographic elements and digital painting to create a surreal composition that tells a story.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Combine photographic elements and digital painting to create a surreal composition that tells a story !!
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Gm 🔥😍
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Painting: Applying pigment to a surface (such as canvas, paper, or a wall). Famous examples include:
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Physical Response: The body produces tears to lubricate and protect the eyes, but emotional tears contain more stress hormones and toxins, indicating a physical response to emotional states.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Critical Media Art: Creating art that critiques media and the manipulation of information.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Interactive Installations: Creating art installations that require viewer interaction.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
AR Storytelling: Using augmented reality to add layers of narrative and interactivity to traditional artworks.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Real builders commit, and I just committed 4.67M $BUILD tokens to the BUILD Summer Fund. 🫡
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Cyber Art: Exploring themes of identity, privacy, and digital existence in the digital age.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Transmedia Storytelling: Telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using digital technology.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Memes as Art: Recognizing internet memes as a form of contemporary folk art, reflecting cultural trends and social commentary.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Art and Emotion: Understanding the emotional impact of art and how it affects our mood and cognition.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Crypto Art: Art associated with blockchain technology, enabling secure transactions and provenance tracking.
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Soheil 🎩 pfp
Soheil 🎩
Art Curriculum: Integrating art into school curricula to foster creativity, critical thinking, and cultural awareness.
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