Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
For the newer people on Farcaster: These types of replies aren't useful. Better to use a like than a reply. I get that 1) people are excited / trying to be friendly and 2) not everyone's first language is English. However, low effort replies will eventually start to hurt your account's visibility on Farcaster.
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Snibb123.eth pfp
How does this square with a permissionless ethos?
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Thomas pfp
The protocol (FC) is permissionless. Each client however (such as WC) can have its own ground rules, including for which content to promote/demote, show/hide, etc. If people don’t agree with the rules of a client, they can move to another, and keep their social graph with them (which is the whole point).
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tomato pfp
Nobody's stopping them from leaving one word replies. He's just saying how he feels about it.
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