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I unfortunately have a very high tolerance to this type of communication, due to relationships in my life past and current. I do my best to focus on the humanity of every person I meet, even when they harbor darkness, I find the source of it usually deserves some degree of empathy. This is provided ofc that they are capable of things like love, care, honor. The limits being ofc is if they inflict undue harm on others, so hopefully there is a limit to this. I tread lightly, knowing the extremity of the words shared here.
Anonymity gives way to the lesser, most angry parts of who we are. Exacerbated by bias, in how and who we were raised by, our friends, our family, our countrymen. Its not a excuse, but a condition I see and try to understand and/or navigate. There is an awkwardness in dealing with the things we don't know or understand, esp if not given the gift of diversity in the people, we know meet and love.
Even though we are just pixels on a page. I appreciate you and your strength Dani. Always have. 1 reply
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